Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Mainstreaming Special Needs - 884 Words

Mainstreaming special needs The soaring cost of special education for disabled students has been appropriately integrated into public schools for the common good of all students from various social classes. Special education has had a deep histroy that has been characterized by a score of legislations that has set this form of education and how it is administered to assimilate students with learning disabilities into standard classrooms. In both the United Kingdom and the United States, the first account of special education recognizes the deaf and blind students. In England the first school to cater for special education was the Liverpool Blind School in the year 1791. In the United States, the first ever special education school was†¦show more content†¦In spite of these legislations, the law was not acted upon or rather implemented immediately. Still, it took time for compulsory education for all to be actualized (Kesha 120). The next stage in the development of special education was segregatioin th at sought to iinvolve student with disabilities in the same learning instutions as all other students, but in in isolate classrooms. However, this changed upon the enactment of the all handicapped Children Act of 1975, which introduced mainstreaming. This had a postive implication in that handicapped chidren were included and encouregaed to particpate in regualr classrooms hence the period of integration dawned. This was a remarkable achievement and the Act pertaining to education for the handicapped was amended to include six new critical elements in fostering special education. These elements were: parental participation in the special education process, legititmate process to enforece accountability, Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) to formulate a custom program for each student, Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) that allowed the disabled children in regular classrooms as much as possible, A program to find and assess disabled children in a fair manner, free and approp rioate public education (FAPE) for all children. In the 20th century the law regarding special education (IDEA) Individuals with DisabilitiesShow MoreRelatedMainstreaming Special Needs Children1627 Words   |  7 PagesThe Positive Advantages to Mainstreaming Special Needs Children In an ideal world all children would be born without disabilities. This idea is not possible though and sometimes children are born with special needs. The child could have only one disability or several. A disability can be mild and treated with medication or the disability can be severe and the child will need constant supervision. Once the child becomes of age to attend school, the issue of whether or not to place the child in aRead MoreEssay Mainstreaming: Does it Help Childrens Special Needs?1406 Words   |  6 PagesMainstreaming: Does it Help Childrens Special Needs? Inclusion describes the practice of placing children with special needs in regular classrooms. Inclusion, also known as mainstreaming, gives all students the opportunity to learn from their individual differences. It allows special needs children to receive their education in a normal society. Children with special needs are encouraged by the challenges that face them in a regular classroom. They also learn to defend themselvesRead MoreShould Special Needs Children Be Mainstreamed?1183 Words   |  5 PagesMany argue whether special needs children should be mainstreamed. Mainstreaming is when a school puts children with special needs into classrooms with their peers who have no disabilities (Masters in Special Education Degree Program Guide). Inclusion is a term which expresses the commitment to educate each child, to maximization extent appropriate, in the school and classroom that he or she would otherwise attend (Wisconsin in Education Association Council). Special education is a term used in theRead MoreMainstreaming : The Influence Of Inclusion Based Education1586 Words   |  7 PagesMainstreaming: The Influence of Inclusion-Based Education According to the Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities, 89% of children with moderate learning difficulties, 24% of children with severe learning difficulties and 18% of children with profound multiple learning difficulties are educated in mainstream schools. A practice so prevalent must surely be effective. However, that is not always the case. It’s disheartening watching these mainstreamed students struggle socially and academicallyRead MoreIs Mainstreaming A Common Belief?1345 Words   |  6 Pageswith special needs to feel a sense of belonging. Why, because they are smart like anyone else and can sense the fact there different from the rest. While this is hard for them it is not the biggest struggle, the biggest struggle is the fact there excluded from there peers often secluded from their peers in different classrooms. There s also the kids who chose to pick on them or laugh at them simply because they do not know how to interact with them. This brings up the idea of mainstreaming. MainstreamingRead MoreEducational Education And Special Education1556 Words   |  7 Pagesthat don’t belong in a general education classroom. While mainstreaming, the act of blending general education and special education classes, can possess benefits for both general education and special education pupils, it should not be implemented in school systems as it creates a more disruptive environment that campaigns for inhibited learning. But that’s only the inauguration of the series of issues present here. The concept of mainstreaming is based on the fact that a student with disabilitiesRead MoreWhy Special Needs Students Should Be Mainstreamed1282 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Æ' Why special needs students should be mainstreamed What is Mainstreaming? According to (Mainstreaming: The Special Needs Child Goes to School), Mainstreaming means that the special needs child attends a regular classroom along with students who are his or her actual (not development) age. Mainstreaming means that the child is not kept isolated in a special class, away from peers, but is included just like everyone else. Most children that have physical disabilities, learning difficulties, orRead MoreEssay on Special Education Becoming Less Special?1212 Words   |  5 Pages it is just Toby, the special needs child. This class encounters outbursts like this from Toby nearly everyday. The mainstreaming of special education students is the main reason behind these disruptions. Some of these pupils spend up to 80 percent of their day in a standard classroom setting. Inclusion of disabled students into a customary classroom has become a growing trend in many public schools throughout America in the past few decades. Because of this, mainstreaming is affecting the studentsRead MoreMainstreaming : The Pros And Cons Of Inclusion Based Education1452 Words   |  6 PagesMainstreaming: The Pros and Cons of Inclusion-Based Education Picture this: a special education student is placed into a general education classroom because of a new bill the district has passed recently. They are forced to adapt to the new, more arduous curriculum that they have never been exposed to before. They have to make new friends, new study habits, new choices. Would you want your child’s education to be jeopardized because a set of impractical politicians think they know what is bestRead MoreEducating Students With Children With Disabilities969 Words   |  4 PagesMainstreaming in Education â€Å"We must understand that inclusion is first and foremost a philosophy. It is a mindset and a belief that everyone has value and something to contribute. It is a willingness to see the ability in everyone and match skill with challenge. It is an understanding that what our programs really provide at their heart is the opportunity to build relationships, learn who we are, and develop skills†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Friedman, 2014) Mainstreaming, one of the most controversial topics in the education

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Arterial Blood Pressure Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays

Blood force per unit area refers to the measuring of force that is applied to the walls of the arterias as the bosom pumps blood through the organic structure. The force per unit area is determined by the force and the sum of blood pumped, and the size and flexibleness of the arterias. High blood force per unit area, besides known as Hypertension, is considered as above 120/80 mmHg ( PubMed Health, 2011 ) Pathophysiology Arterial blood force per unit area is a merchandise of cardiac end product and systemic vascular opposition. We will write a custom essay sample on The Arterial Blood Pressure Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now A alteration in the vascular wall thickness affects the elaboration of peripheral vascular opposition in hypertensive patients. This consequences in the contemplation of moving ridges back to the aorta and hence increasing the systolic blood force per unit area ( Medscape, 2011 ) . Although 90 % of high blood pressure instances, the cause is non truly known ( Moser, p.11 ) , harmonizing to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ( AIHW ) , the causes of high blood force per unit area are both biomedical and lifestyle oriented. Major causes include ; being overweight, dietetic salt consumption, and nutrition forms which involve low consumption of fruit and veggies and an high consumption of saturated fat ( Australian Institue of Health and Welfare,2010 ) . Although most of the clip there are no marks and symptoms, such may happen ; confusion, ear noise or buzzing, weariness, concern, irregular pulse, epistaxis, vision alterations. These marks are known as marks of complication or perilously high blood force per unit area called malignant high blood pressure Nursing Appraisal As a patient is admitted to the infirmary, it is critical to execute a nursing appraisal on admittance to garner baseline readings of the patient. The Systems Approach Framework was used to buttockss Mr Nicholas Manners from caput to toe in a mode of subjective and nonsubjective informations. The classs used are as follows ; Central Nervous System, Cardiovascular System, Respiratory System, Gastrointestinal Tract, Renal System, Integumentary System and Metabolic System. CNS – patient is able to communicate-states he has a concern, assess motion of limbs, esthesis to fringes and trouble if any. CVS – HR 95, BP 160/90, assess capillary refill, patient is red in the face – assess circulation of the remainder of the organic structure including warmth and coloring material. RESP. – RR 19 beats per minute, SaO2 97 % on room air, auscultate his chest- listen for abnormalcies in the lungs as he is a tobacco user, measure his work of external respiration. GIT – farther buttocks appetency and eating wonts, auscultate for intestine sounds, buttocks and record intestine direction. RENAL – buttocks input and end product and record observations if needed, utilizing a unstable balance chart. INTEGUMENTARY – buttocks tegument for cicatrixs, waterlessness, integral and skin turgor. METABOLIC – buttocks Hb, BGL and liver map through a blood trial. Education and Psychosocial support Education and support that can be offered to Nicholas to help him in deriving more information and support for his Hypertension include: Dieticians which Nicholas can be referred to during his stay in infirmary, to educate him about a healthy diet and besides supply support. Social worker to supply support for Nicholas and his household if needed. Information brochures can be retreived from the infirmary, to educate Nicholas on Hypertension. Web sites such as Better Health Channel, Hypertension Education Foundation and the Heart Foundation, all provide instruction and information about support for patients about high blood pressure. Nursing Diagnosis Goals Interventions Rationale Evaluation Ineffective wellness care related to incapableness to change life style Short term: Introduce low-sodium and low fat nutrients into Nicholas ‘ diet Refer Nicholas to a dietitian for instruction of low-sodium and low-fat nutrients. To cut down the sum of high-fat nutrients Nicholas is devouring. Nicholas ‘ diet presently consists of less high-fat nutrients. Short term: Aim to cut down blood force per unit area readings to less than 150/80 by the following GP visit in a hebdomad. Teach Nicholas to take Nicholas ain blood force per unit area daily at place and record it. To brace Nicholas ‘ blood force per unit area at a lower degree. Nicholas ‘ blood force per unit area readings have now stabilised to a lower degree. Long term: Develop a regular exercising program for Nicholas to follow. Promote Nicholas to walk for an hr each twenty-four hours. To promote Nicholas to prosecute in a healthy life style. Nicholas participates in an hr of physical activity each twenty-four hours. Long term: Aim to discontinue smoke in the following 8-12 months. Refer Nicholas to back up plans such as ‘QUIT ‘ to back up and help Nicholas in discontinuing smoke. To cut down Nicholas ‘ hazard of holding blocked arterias and therefore increasing Nicholas blood force per unit area Nicholas has now quit smoke Nursing Diagnosis Goals Interventions Rationale Evaluation Fatigue related to the effects of high blood pressure and the day-to-day life stressors. Short term: Aim to command side effects such as weariness. Educate Nicholas on the side effects, to help him in commanding them. To help Nicholas in deriving cognition of the side effects and how to command them in instance they are experienced after discharge. Nicholas is able to command his small if any side effects experienced. Short term: Aim to keep a stable degree of fluids in the organic structure. Ensure Nicholas drinks plentifulness of H2O throughout the twenty-four hours. To maintain Nicholas hydrous and cut down weariness. Record amounts utilizing a unstable balance chart if needed Nicholas ‘ weariness degrees have decreased as he is imbibing plentifulness of H2O throughout the twenty-four hours. Long term: Reduce the emphasis degrees experienced throughout the twenty-four hours. Discuss emphasis cut downing methods applicable to Nicholas. To cut down the hazard of increasing Nicholas ‘ blood force per unit area. Nicholas has reduced his emphasis degrees utilizing the methods discussed Long term: Develop a healthy feeding program to utilize one time Nicholas is discharged Refer Nicholas to a dietician to help in educating him in the importance of a healthy diet and developing a program. To cut down weariness related to an unhealthy diet. Nicholas has continued his healthy feeding program and does non endure from weariness. Nursing Diagnosis Goals Interventions Rationale Evaluation Imbalanced nutrition related to deficient cognition of the relationship between diet and the disease Short term: Brace the instabilities of nutrition Provide Nicholas with a scope of fruits and veggies To supply Nicholas with a assortment of foods from a scope of nutrients. Nicholas ‘ diet now chiefly consists of fruit and veggies Short term: To do Nicholas ‘ cognition on the disease Provide Nicholas with information such as booklets about high blood pressure To guarantee Nicholas has a good cognition of high blood pressure Nicholas is now good educated on his disease Long term: To brace Nicholas ‘ weight within 6-8 months of discharge Refer to dietician to measure and supervise his diet and aid with his weight loss To guarantee Nicholas has the support required to run into his end Nicholas is now within a healthy weight scope for his gender, tallness and age Long term: Derive more cognition on the effects of smoke Educate Nicholas on the effects of smoking to his organic structure To guarantee he is cognizant of the harm smoke is making to his organic structure Nicholas is good informed on the effects of smoke Nursing Diagnosis Goals Interventions Rationale Evaluation Non-compliance related to the side effects of the intervention ( Ackley A ; Ladwig, p.315 ) Short term: Maintain stableness of side effects Monitor Nicholas and supply advice when non following instructions of intervention To guarantee Nicholas ‘ intervention continues on the right way. Nicholas ‘ side effects have decreased. Short term: Long term: Long term: Maintain conformity of intervention Educate Nicholas on hazards if intervention non followed as required To guarantee Nicholas ‘ wellness does non deteriorate Nicholas is compliant with his intervention Diagnostic Trials Diagnostic trials that will help with the appraisal and direction of Nicholas include: Electrocardiogram ( ECG ) – This trial determines if the bosom has sustained nay harm due to untreated high blood pressure ( Cardio Connection, n.d ) . This trial assists with the direction of Nicholas ‘ high blood pressure by supplying moving ridges of the electrical current of the bosom. Urinalysis – This trial is used to test the causes of high blood pressure and expression for any harm to the kidneys as a consequence of untreated high blood pressure ( Cardio Connection, n.d ) . The trial assists with the direction to derive information about the wellness of Nicholas ‘ kidneys. Blood Glucose – This trial determines the sugar degrees in the blood and screens for secondary causes of high blood pressure and the hazard factors involved with more accelerated diseases such as diabetes. Both diabetes and high blood pressure are associated with the rapid patterned advance of arterial sclerosis and harm to the kidneys ( Cardio Connection, n.d ) . This assists in keeping a stabile sugar degree of the blood to cut down the hazard of harm to the kidneys. Serum K – This trial looks for a treatable cause of high blood force per unit area and finding the baseline degree prior to utilizing medical specialty for intervention ( Cardio Connection, n.d ) . This assists in finding a baseline to compare to if it were to promote. Hazard Appraisal Upon admittance, a hazard appraisal must be completed to find the patient ‘s hazard of holding a autumn. This appraisal besides assists the nurses in guaranting the patient has their properties or AIDSs within range to guarantee the patient ‘s safety and to diminish their hazard of hurt. The appropriate appraisal tool for Nicholas would be a Falls Risk Assessment Tool ( FRAT ) . This relates to Nicholas as he complained of giddiness and deficiency of slumber. This is needed to measure his hazard of hurt. Mention to Appendix 1 for a Falls Risk Assessment Tool. Medicines Nifedipine – Antihypertensive agent – as stated by Tiziani, 2006 Action: Besides known as Ca adversaries, these agents impede the inflow of Ca ions during depolarization of cardiac and vascular smooth musculus, doing betterment in the myocardial O supply and cardiac end product, and a decrease in myocardial work by cut downing afterload ( Tiziani, 2006 ) Use: Angina pectoris Mild to chair high blood pressure Nicholas has been prescribed this medicine to help with bracing his blood force per unit area. Interactions: Contraindicated with rifampicin May do bosom failure if used with beta-adrenoceptor-blocking agents Serum concentrations may be increased if given with Tagamet, Quinidex or Cardizem. Excessive cardiovascular depression may happen if given with inspiration anesthetics. Adverse effects: Headache, giddiness, dizziness, flushing, weariness, dizziness. Anorexia, sickness, irregularity, abdominal hurting, dry oral cavity. Muscle spasms. Nursing points/precautions: Note and study thorax hurting because thie requires stoping the drug. Patient should be advised to avoid drive or operating machinery if giddiness or dizziness is a job. Caution if used in those with aortal stricture, bosom failure, liver damage, discrepancy or Prinzmental angina, unstable angina, or recent myocardial infarction. Atorvastatin – lipid-regulating agent – as stated by Tiziani, 2006 Action: Reduce cholesterin significantly in patients with type II lipemia and hence besides significantly cut down the hazard of coronary arteria disease Use: Hypercholesterolaemia Nicholas has been prescribed this medicine to take down the entire cholesterin and low-density lipoproteins ( LDL ) Interactions: May addition plasma concentration of Lanoxin, increasing the hazard of toxicity. Caution if used with Tagamet, Aldactone or ketoconazole. Adverse effects: Headache, insomnia. Constipation, flatulency, abdominal hurting, sickness, diarrhea. Back hurting Nursing points/precautions: Liver map trial should be performed before get downing therapy and at 6 and 2 hebdomads, so twice annually. Advise patient to describe any musculus hurting, spasms, tenderness or failing, unease or febrility. Should be withheld if any status occurs that predisposes the patient to rhabdomyolysis, such as injury, sepsis, uncontrolled epilepsy or metabolic, or endocrinal instabilities. How to cite The Arterial Blood Pressure Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Chaucers the House Of Fame The Cultural Nature Essay Example For Students

Chaucers the House Of Fame: The Cultural Nature Essay Chaucers the House Of Fame: The Cultural Nature Of FameChaucers The House of Fame: The Cultural Nature of FameQUESTION 7. DISCUSS THE CULTURAL NATURE OF FAME AND ITS TEXTUAL EXPRESSION WITH REFERENCE TOONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: ORAL HEROIC POETRY, CHAUCERS DEPICTION IN THEHOUSE OF FAME AND THE MODERN CONSTRUCTION OF THE CANON OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. YOU SHOULD FOCUS YOUR ANALYSIS ON THE INTERPLAY OF ORAL AND LITERARY TRADITIONSIN THESE CONTEXTS. Many critics have noted the complexities within Chaucers The House of Fame,in particular, the complexities between the oral and the literary. Thedifferences between these methods are constantly appearing; Chaucer is wellaware of rapidly changing communicative practises and contrasts the preservationof utterance with the longevity of literary texts. He achieves this bydiscussing the nature of Fame and the difficulties that arise from it. Famecan both destroy and create. It can result in the eternal preservation of greatworks and their creators. However, Chaucer is quick to note the precariousnature of fame noting the unreliable process of attaining it and itspotentially momentary existence. Every creator with their respective work/snaturally crave and desire fame; they want their subjects to remain fresh inthe minds of their audience. Chaucer, while neither totally praising the writtennor the oral, reveals how essentially the written word is far more likely tobecome eternal as opposed to the oral. The relative fame of any work isdependent on many factors. Many traditional and classical ideas result in theformation of the English canon, yet as Chaucer indicates, the fame of theseworks can easily become annihilated. The arrival of new readers with differentideals and thereby changing tradition, can reject classical or canonical workand their fame will melt into nothingness. Most stories, histories and legends that emerge from oral heroic poetry areto herald the achievement of the powerful and wealthy so that their historieswill not fade from the memories of the population. The stories of Beowolf are aclear example of this, as within these stories, (whether embellished or no),Beowolfs fame and legend reaches the modern reader hundreds of years later. Clearly, Beowolf is still very much dependant on the conventions of oraltraditions and written to leave a permanent reminder of Beowolf, to enforceBeowolfs fame. The use of Hwaet to mark the start of an oration, emphasisesthe continuation of oral tradition. Most oral cultures (usually illiterate),pass on stories and legends learnt from the previous generation, basically usingthe authority of recalled memory, not as an actual witness; rather I have heardit said than I know this to be true. The importance of the terms auctor and auctoritas is noted by A.J. Minnis. Minnis states the importance of the auctoritas, quoting Aristotle whodefines this as the judgement of the wise man in his chosen discipline. Thegreat reverence and respect shown towards writers of antiquity is clearlyevident in Chaucers The House of Fame, yet there remains a definiteinconsistency within Chaucers work. While Chaucer is clearly familiar with manyclassical writers and their works, such as; Virgils Aeneid, several works ofOvid , Boccacio and Dante, Chaucers work raises several questions about theclassical writers, the nature of written texts and the complexities of fame. The term fame had a myriad of meanings in Middle English, it could meanreputation, renown, or rumour. Chaucer plays on all these meanings and itsimplications, yet his ideas are clouded and obscured so it is difficult todefine whether his arguments are mocking, condemning or celebrating. J. Stephenagrees with Shelia Delanys argument in her book, The House of Fame: The Poeticsof Skeptical Fidelism and believes that The House of Fame is indeed asceptical poem. However, Russell is rather extreme in his view, believing thatChaucer is writing to deconstruct the tyranny of the written word. It isdifficult to agree with this view, and although there are elements to suggestthis may be the case, one would tend to agree with Delanys argument, thatChaucer preferred to transcend the choice between traditions rather than tocommit himself whole heartedly to a single intellectual position or a consistentpoint of view. Chaucer, in his description of Virgils Aeneid decides to alter the eventswithin Virgils narrative. There is always the problem of what can be consideredtrue,the problems of authenticity and originality remain. These great writersthat Chaucer often references, like Virgil, Ovid, Boccacio, Boethius and Danteare auctors who carry great weight and authority, yet , as this is Geffreysdream he is able to manipulate the events within The House of Fame. Thus Geffreyhas the power of both the oral and written auctor, he has heard the storiesbefore, (in Ovid and Virgil) yet can retell these events to the reader withperhaps even more auctoritas as he can also state to the reader that I wasthere so I can tell you the truth. However, Chaucers auctoritas isdiminished because even though he was an actual witness, it was still a dream, ahazy and unpredictable area which can neither be totally rejected nor believedand accepted. These implications show that Chaucer was perhaps rejecting theauctoritas o f these writers, revealing the possible discrepancies within anytext, written or oral, and how narrative events are able to change depending onthe reliability of the auctor. The mocking of Geffrey and his scholarly lifeand ambitions would also indicate Chaucers dislike of the scholarly andacademic world of the 14th century. Geffrey is caricatured as a book-worm,unable to comprehend events outside the world of books. The Eagle speaks toGeffrey of the futility and emptiness of a scholar ; Thou goost hom to thy housanoon,/And, also domb as any stoon,/Thou sittest at another book/Tyl fullydaswed ys thy look;/And lyvest thus as an heremyte,/Although thyn abstynence yslyte. (655-660) During the Eagles impressive monologue the intelligentGeffrey can only answer in rather dull-witted monosyllables; Gladly,Noo?why?, Yis and Wel. Geffrey is also portrayed as a rather weak and stupidfellow, despite his scholarly habits. When one compares him to the classicalheroes of classical mythology, he re alises that he is a mere mortal and afraid;Oh God, thoughte I, that madest kynde,/Shal I noon other weyes dye?. Unlikethe heroes of old, Geffrey is aware that he is no brave hero; nether am Ennock,ne Elye,/Ne Romulus, ne Ganymede. (557-558) Despite these negativerepresentations, there still remains elements of respect and awe towardsclassical writings and the strong belief entrusted in these works as containedin the line, In certeyn, as the book us tellis. (426) The same respect isreflected in a speech made by the Eagle to Geffrey; Loo, this sentence ysknowen kouth/ Of every philosophres mouth,/ As Aristotle and daun Platon,/ Andother clerkys many oon;/ And to confirme my resoun,/Thou wost wel this, thatspech is soun, (757-762) It seems as though Chaucer is exploring both elementsof what is the true auctor and questions the idea of auctoritas. Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition.The spoken word is carried away in the wind, the constant mutterings oftenforgotten whereas the written word has endured for many hundreds of years. Clearly Chaucer has mixed feelings toward the power of literacy and orality. Both can be enduring, but in an increasingly more literate society, the use oforality to immortalise narrative events is rarely used. As Chaucer indicates,the written word does remain in The House of Fame whereas the spoken word ismore likely contained within the constantly changing murmurings in The House ofRumour. However, although Chaucer is himself a scholarly and academic man likeGeffrey, he is still rather mocking of the academic society and the scholars whoseem to be permaently fixed within the world of literature and relying entirelyon book-learning, rather than experiences from the events in the outside worldof reality. Chaucer within his description of The House of Fame also questionsthe relevance of literary works, proving that the fame of authors and theirworks is a tenative one. Chaucer is clearly reveals the beginnings of theEnglish canon and the works contained within it. He stresses the fluctuations offame and how works can become a part an elite grouping. The modern readerknows, that the books within the English canon may gradually disappear or canreemerge, depending on the attitudes of people like Geffrey, the readers andscholars, and of institutions that continually study the classical texts. According to Chaucer, fame is not considered a noble accomplishment and theresult of chance rather than any literatary merit or virtue.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Sexism free essay sample

Almost anywhere you go, the grocery store, out to eat at a restaurant, or to a gas station, you can find examples of sexism and gender roles. The places to find examples of gender role are potentially endless, as it affects our daily lives more then we seem to notice. The role of sexism is taught to us from day one. Our parents teach us the roles we are born into. I perceive sexism as any other norm. I dont give much thought into it and it doesnt usually influence how I go about my daily routine. When I was in grade school, my group of friends (whom were all girls) stayed away from the boys who usually played kick ball at recess. The girls usually played which chalk or on the swing set while the boys chased each other (and the girls) around the playground. Girls were often found in the kitchen part or playing with baby dolls, whereas the boys played with toy hammers and trucks. We will write a custom essay sample on Sexism or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This is a good example of how we are taught, gender colonization. As we continue to get older and up into middle school, we have more interest in the opposite sex. Not only are we learning about gender in science class, but everyone is going through puberty. This could also be an example of gender colonization. Our fascination continues up until high school, and of course the rest of our lives. When we start dating in high school and get to know more about the opposite sex, this is where the sexism comments come into play, such as boys are all ass holes. Another classic example of sexism that I have heard from men is that women belong in the kitchen, or go make me a sandwich! Although these things may be considered rude to some people, there are many rude sexism remarks that can be made for both male and females. At my Job as a waitress, a social observation I have made with regards to gender role is who picks up the tab. 9 times out of 10, the male at the table will ask for the check, otherwise it is automatically set in front of him. Another observation I have made during my travels to Europe, is that men in foreign countries take their gender roles much more rigorously than in the United States. It was highly frowned upon by the taxi cab drivers when my mother would give direction, or pay the driver. The same confusion occurred when my mother checked us into the hotels we stayed at. This was for no other reason than my mother has had more experience and is more familiar with the art of travel then my father, but still, it is not commonly accepted for women to do simple things in Europe that would be considered Jobs for men. Sexism By Unredeemable

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Introduction to Technical Report Writing Essays

Introduction to Technical Report Writing Essays Introduction to Technical Report Writing Essay Introduction to Technical Report Writing Essay Technical report writing is a practical writing that people do as a part of their jobs. It is a different form of writing, both different from and similar to other forms of writing. Technical writing both analyzes and explains in order to communicate with the reader. Definitions: 1. Technical Report Writing aims to get work done, to change people by changing the way they do things. (Killingsworth and Gilbertson) 2. The most critical skill required in today’s business world is the ability to communicate, both verbally and in writing. Effective communication has a direct impact on one’s potential within an organization. † (Bob Collins) 3. Document that records the procedure adopted and results obtained from a scientific or technical activity or investigation. 4. Technical Writing is a specialized, structured way of writing, where information is presented in a format and manner that best suits the psychological needs of the readers, so that they can respond to a document as its author intended and achieve the purpose related to that document. The process of gathering information from experts and presenting it to an audience in a clear, easily understandable form is called technical writing. 5. Technical Writing is the presentation of information that helps the reader solves a particular problem. Technical communicators write, design and edit proposal, web pages, lab reports, newsletters and many other kinds of professional documents. Purpose of TRW Technical report wring is intended to communicate to a specific audience for a specific purpose. Its purpose is to link in you and your boss, you and clients, you and vendors and you and co-workers. Technical writing creates action. When you write successfully a technical correspondence, someone on the other end responds. The purpose of your report and your sense of audience creates tone. PURPOSE (Document) + AUDIENCE (Technical Supervisor / Reader) = TONE (Objective) According to Killingsworth and Gilbertson The purpose of TRW is to enable its reader to act in three ways: By informing 2. By instructing3. By persuading By Informing * To inform * To carry out job responsibilities * People supply or receive information constantly They need to know or explain the schedule time for meeting * The physical description of a new machine * The step in a process * The results of an experience By Instructing TRW instruct when they give readers directions for using equipment and for performing duties. It enables consumers to use their new purchase. Writing tells medical personnel exactly what to do when a patient has a heart attack. By Persuading Technical writers persuade readers to follow a particular course of action. Importance Of Technical Report Writing Technical Writing is a very important part of our work experience for several reasons. * Technical Writing conducts business * Technical Writing takes time * Technical Writing costs money * Technical Writing is an extension of our interpersonal communication skills 1. Technical Writing Conducts Business TW is not a minor but a major part of the work environment because through TW employees: a) Maintain good customer-client relations e. g. Follow-up-letters b) Ensure that work is accomplished on time e. g. Directive memos c) Provide documentation that work has been accomplished e. . Status reports d) Generate income Technical Writing also: a) Keeps Machinery working e. g. maintenance instructions b) Ensures that correct equipment is purchased e. g. Technical descriptions and specifications c) Gives bosses the information they require for persuasive briefings e. g. Summaries d) Gets us jobs e. g. Resumes and e) Informs the world about our company’s product e. g. Sites on the Wor ld Wide Web 2. Technical Writing Takes Time * Average employees spend approximately 20% of their work time just writing memos, letters and various reports. This 20% of work week equals 8 hours spent just writing. * Corporate supervisors not only spend their time writing but also reviewing and revising their subordinates’ writing. 3. Technical Writing Costs Money * Time is money * As employees, if we spend 20% of our work time just writing, means we are paid 20% of our salary just for writing. * Good writing has additional monetary values i. e. if we write good proposals we generate income. * A confusing writing, however, wastes both time and money†¦. it costs the company even if your writing is faulty. 4. Technical Writing is an extension of our interpersonal Communication Skills * When we write a memo, letter or report to convey technical information simultaneously we reveal something about ourselves to our audience. * Therefore, if we write well, we tell them that we can think logically and communicate our thoughts logically. * But if we write poorly we reveal to our audience that we can neither think clearly nor communicate our thoughts effectively. Therefore, TW is an extension of our interpersonal communication skills at work. Our co-workers judge our competence from our writing. Through TW we not only can compose well constructed memos, reports, letters and proposals to our readers to reveal that we know our technical field of expertise and can communicate our knowledge thoroughly, accurately, clearly and concisely but also can motivate the personnel to do particular courses of action. Characteristics of TRW 1. Clarity * A good report is one which is drafted in a simple, clear and lucid language. * There should be no ambiguity as regards the statements made in the report. * A reader should be able to understand the entire report easily, exactly and quickly. Unclear Technical Writing is expensive. 2. Accuracy * The data given and statements made in the report must be based on facts and must be verified carefully. * Report writing is a responsible job as report is used as a reliable document for taking decisions and framing policies. * Thus, report writing should be always accurate, factual and reliable. 3. Comprehensiveness * A lengthy report is not necessari ly a good report. * Report should be a brief and compact document. * It should give complete picture of the problem under investigation. In this sense the report writing should be comprehensive but compact. 4. Accessibility * It means the ease with which the readers can locate the information they seek. * To increase Accessibility * Headings * Lists in the report * A table of contents * Glossary and * Index. 5. Conciseness * The report should be as long as its need of information is necessary * A longer document gets more of the users time * Conciseness creates a balance between the requirements of clarity and comprehensiveness * It must give the audience purpose and object but no extra details. Technical writing can be shortened by eliminating unnecessary phrases and choosing short words and sentences in order to make report effective. 6. Correctness * Good Technical Report must also be correct. * It must be free from grammatical errors like punctuation mistakes†¦. * If a report contains grammatical errors, the reader will doubt the accuracy of the information in the report. * Technical writing is meant to conve y information and to persuade the audience. * To accomplish these goals it must be clear, auccurate, easy to access and must be economical and correct. . Objectivity * A good report should be drafted in an impersonal manner. * Avoid personal feelings. * The report writing should be in third person. * This is necessary as the report is prepared for the benefits of a person who needs it and not for the benefit of the person who prepares it. 8. Complete * A good report should be complete and self-explanatory document. * Repetition of facts, figures, information, conclusions and recommendation should be avoided. * It should give complete information to the readers in a precise manner. All essentialities should be mentioned. The Components of A Research based Technical Report 1. A Descriptive Title * The title must be short, accurate, descriptive and grammatically correct. * It should not be like â€Å"CMSC 44 Course Project† because it is not descriptive. * Avoid cute titles that violate these criteria. * It is better to use two-part titles e. g. An â€Å"Experimental Study using Real and Unreal Approach. † 2. Author name and Affiliation and date * Your Affiliation might be â€Å"Department of Management amp; Computer Sciences, ISRA University, Hyderabad. * You might also like to include the city and state of your affiliation, your email address, and URL (Uniform Resource Locator). * Note if there is any punctuation. 3 . An informative Abstract * An informative abstract of approximately 200 words * Make sure that your abstract is informative * It should serve as a substitute for your paper * Briefly summarize your main findings * Concretely summarize, do not introduce * Immediately get to the point in the first sentence * Do not give any reference in the abstract * Do not begin the abstract with weak or boring phrase Abstract should be informative yet understandable to the most researchers in your general field. 4. A List of Appropriate keywords * These keywords should identify the field of your report and its major topics. * Make it too clear, what words and phrases should someone use to find your report. * Be specific, and use only standard phrases. * Many journals use THREE levels of keywords: a) General Terms b) Subject Descriptors amp; c) Implicit Terms (phrases that act as proper names). 5. Body of Technical Report * Write a clear, informative and thoughtful description and critique of what you did. Where appropriate, include carefully drawn graphs and diagrams * Be sure to motivate, present and interpret your findings. * Focus on the scientific content of the project. * Identify and explain interesting and important phenomena. * Emphasize what is new about your project 6. Acknowledgements * Acknowledge any help you received including the use of equipment if any. * Be specific 7. Complete and accurate list of references * Give a complete and accurate list of references cited in the technical report. * There are THREE reasons for citing works: ) To give credit where credit is due b) To be helpful to the reader to identify useful related work and c) To identify the context and background of your work. * List and number referenc es by alphabetical order of author name. * When citing references in the body of the report, always explain why the reference is being cited. * Do not cite previous work without critically explaining how it relates to your work. * Better mention the author name in the textual citation, followed by the corresponding reference number e. g. â€Å"In 1976, Diffie amp; Helmen proposed the concept of X. Y. Z

Friday, November 22, 2019

Burts Bees Essay Example for Free

Burts Bees Essay A while back in 2007, Burts Bee’s was bought out by Clorox for $913 million. In buying Burts Bee’s Clorox is promising to go green. This was Clorox’s start in buying out other green companies to help them achieve their goal in going completely green. Mr. Shavitz and Ms. Quimby the original owners of Burt’s Bees had a huge fall out that began in the late 1990’s which has been going on ever since. (1) The reason that Clorox was willing to pay almost $1 Billion for Burts Bee’s because they see a big opportunity in the market to make their products green. The Burt’s Bess is really into the whole giving back to the community, and always helping. A few events they have done for the community is Urban Gardening when they teamed up with NEEM, to help make Durham, North Carolina greener, and help them plant more community gardens. Another event that they have done is help create green homes in North Carolina. As I was looking on the Burt’s Bees website on their most frequently asked questions someone asked how they can receive donations, and the answer the company gave threw me aback. â€Å"At this time, Burt’s Bees is not currently providing product or financial donations. We remain committed to supporting local community organizations committed to The Greater Good† (2) Personally in reading this I feel like if they want to help create that customer satisfaction, they should be willing to help everyone go green and not just the community. Since the buyout according to Clorox, their natural care products already account for over $6 billion in sales and is growing at a fast rate. The sales are climbing to a yearly rate of around 9%. As for the stalk holder Clorox states, they rose from $1. 69, 2. 8%. to $62. 69. This was a huge boost for the stockholders, and for people who wanted to buy into the stalk. As of 25th 2013, the stalks are at $83. 25. (3) This was also helping Clorox’s public relations by helping them get well known. Clorox does a whole bunch of press releases to help show that they have turned green. They also do press releases when they win an award or do contests for people to enter. When you go on the Clorox website they give you three options to choose from, Press Releases, Media Resources, and Press contacts. Since working together with Burt’s Bee’s, Clorox is also trying to get more involved in the community which they never used to do. On their website they state, â€Å"Clorox knows that it can’t do it alone and actively seeks partners and other affiliations to help us become a more sustainable company. Clorox also cares. In addition to our work to make Clorox a more sustainable company, we strive to make a positive eco impact beyond Clorox. † (4) Clorox donates nearly $1 million dollars to environmental causes. Some of things they do to help the community is they donate products to the Save the Frogs, and Save the California Oaks. They also have their own foundations to help Keep America Beautiful. Burts Bees. (2016, Oct 01).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Is Educating Rita a comedy of gender or social class Essay

Is Educating Rita a comedy of gender or social class - Essay Example The education she would receive there, she believes, would liberate and enlighten her; by way of which she hopes to move away from the social strata of her birth. Professor Frank Bryant, on the other hand, is a middle-aged alcoholic, who has no interest what so ever in his professorship. Instead he openly displays his melancholy and acts indifferent to the requirements of his work. So when these two characters from disparate social and economic backgrounds cross paths, new and interesting developments take place in both their lives. While comedy is used by the director as a suitable narrative implement, the recurrent theme is one based on class. In Educating Rita, â€Å"Ritas desire for self-discovery places her in conflict with her class background. She is, thus, a kind of female version of the 1950s scholarship boy whose involvement in education and middle-class culture inevitably takes her away from her social origins. In this respect, the film follows the older school of working- class films in placing particular emphasis upon cultural rather than economic divisions. Unlike many of the working-class films that follow it, there is little evidence of unemployment or poverty. What Rita (who is herself employed) aspires to escape is not so much economic hardship as cultural deprivation† (Kramp & Humphreys, 1993). It is true of Educating Rita too, that the British nation can stake out intellectual turf as they have always done with class warfare. Running all the way from Richard Sheridan through George Bernard Shaw and John Osborne, the theme of class-conflict has provided the staple of comedy of attitudes and manners. In Educating Rita, the lead characters Julie Walters and Michael Caine bring to screen contrasting but complementary kinds of energy. To their credit, the lead pair also makes life in British academia more interesting

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Final Assessment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Final Assessment - Assignment Example The EU members have a substantial judicial co-operation and cross-border surveillance that enables transfer of enforcement of criminal judgments. On the other hand, the US and Mexico have entirely different justice systems effectively hindering cross-border surveillance. The course has impacted my perception of the effectiveness of Homeland Security given the current bloated bureaucracy coupled with bad leadership and lack of inter-agency cooperation. There are indeed aspects of homeland security that are effective, however; the knee-jerk reactions from successive White House regimes do not entirely convince me that the extent of the current overhaul was necessary. Initially, control of drug trafficking and illegal immigrants was the primary aim of border surveillance (Jerry & Michael, 2014). However, legislations have expanded the mandate to include the fight against terrorism, human trafficking and the prevention of trade in chemical or radioactive material. The most interesting part of the course has been the topic of illegal immigrants. I have very strong reservations on this subject because I see that the politicians who the Americans have tasked with ending this mess are not willing to fix the problem. They keep on playing politics by maneuvering their parties to gain the Latino vote. I feel that President Obama has taken it too far by stopping the deportation of illegal immigrants through his Executive order. On the Mexican side, the authorities need to show more zeal in dealing with the drug and human trafficking menace if there is going to be any fruitful cooperation between the US and Mexico. Frenzen, N. (2012). Heinrich BÃ ¶ll Foundation Study: Borderline- The EU’s New Border Surveillance Initiatives, Assessing the Costs and Fundamental Rights Implications of EUROSUR and the ‘Smart Borders’Â  Proposals. July 16, 2012. Accessed

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Politics and Accounting Standards Essay Example for Free

Politics and Accounting Standards Essay Politics and Accounting Standards Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The growth of an enterprise is very important for both internal and external stakeholders. It can be expressed by showing the true and fair view of a company using the financial reports that shows the actual capital allocation of the enterprise. Therefore, financial accounting is very important and it enhances the success of the business. In this context, both the definition and the body that is involved in setting the standard are important in helping to understand clearly the meaning of financial accounting. Financial accounting is the process of preparing and establishing a report on the financial information of an enterprise (.Ball, Ray, 2006).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It also shows the true and fair view of the financial statements which are cash flow statement, balance sheet and profit and loss statement. These statements are very essential for the enterprise stakeholders. Financial accounting takes into consideration the management of the business for example, its assets, liabilities and capital(Ball, Ray, 2006). Furthermore, it states its real capital and debts to enable the enterprise stakeholder evaluate the performance of the business. The true and fair view of financial accounting can be achieved by following the rules and policies that govern the people setting the rules.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The rules or rather the standards apply internationally to help ensure that the accounting standards used across the world are uniform (Armstrong, et al 2010). These are the professional regulatory bodies that are responsible for setting the standards for example the International Accounting Standards (IAS), and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) among others. The board that is responsible for setting the standard is the Financial Accounting Standard Board (FASB) among other interested parties(Ball, Ray, 2006). FASB formulates a process that is followed so that it can be able to help in setting new accounting standards. First, the board has a duty to set up a committee that prepares an outline of the task at hand. Secondly, the committee board prepares the objectives for the board comments.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   After this, the board gives its view on the task outline and then passes it to the committee which in return prepares a discussion paper which entails the committee’s statement of the application proposal standards. Eventually, the committee also obtains views from interested parties and after their view is in the favor of the principle, they go ahead in drafting an exposure and the draft is then published as the IFRS(Ball, Ray, 2006).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In order, for these standard to be effective and efficient, they are categorized into varies group therefore making it easy for the accounting. The IAS is classified into many classes for example,under the IAS 10, events that occur after the balance sheet date,should not be part of the balance sheet. Every company is required to prepare a balance sheet at the end of the year. Therefore, any entity trying to avoid or present a misleading financial statement is liable and the board provides the contents of the balance sheet. Under the IAS 19, which talks about retirement benefit costs, and the board takes into consideration the accounting of the benefits accruing from the retirement (Aboody, et a l 2004).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The board has a duty to see that no corruption is being practiced and therefore, companies are required to show the true and fair value in terms of the retirement costs. This prevents corruption of the prominent politicians. The IAS 17talks about accounting for leases. It is very important for a company to account for every lease taken since it is a liability. This is made possible because the board provides policies and procedures to be followed in disclosure of the account on lease. Lease is an expense for the company and if not accounted for can lead to false financial statements (Aboody, et a l, 2004).Furthermore, IAS 33talks about earnings per share,whereby all the companies are required to show their profit in terms of profit earned from share. The earning per share is used to the performance of the company which is based on the shares. It is also important for the shareholders.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Most company and influential parties do not support this standard and therefore it is criticized.IAS 39 is a financial standard which requires that accounting should have recognitionand measurement of assets as well as liabilities. It states that all the entities should take into account of all the assets, liabilities and equity of the business and no relevant material should be left out(Ball, Ray, 2006). The profit, loss and capital should be stated as they appear without any alterations. The IFRS is also divided into classes but in this context, the IFRS 13 is considered. This standard is concerned with the true and fair value of an entity (Armstrong, et al 2010). Itrequires all the entities to state real profit or loss incurred in their financial reports. However, accounting is not sparedfrom criticism and the board experience pressure for different organization that are not in agreement with the standard. Political pressure is one of t he areas whichexert pressure on the board. The standards of accounting requires the organizations or the enterprise to show the true and fair view of the performance of the business (.Ball, Ray,2006).Due to this, most business operating under a loss stand a chance to be wound up and there will be no investors interested in the business.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The political pressure that is experienced under the various accounting standards is in terms of legislations which they politicians enact. Some of the legislations contradict the accounting standards whereby businesses in a certain country are required to follow certain regulations in addition to the IAS and IFRS. This creates pressure on companies to try and evade the application of the IAS and IFRS in their reporting. The accounting standards are set to helpindicate the real performance of the business and therefore many world trading entities are affected by this since the competitors are in watch (.Ball, Ray,2006). The amendment of the standard brought about the reclassification of the IFRS and IAS so as to favor the entities that make losses in trading.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It has been noted that politicians own businesses across the world and closely monitor their businesses the best way they can so that they can make more profits (Armstrong, et al 2010). Therefore, considering that the politicians have the capacity of adjusting the laws on businesses as they deem right, there is likelihood that the policies that they will formulate do not match or support the accounting standards available (.Ball, Ray,2006). What this means is that there will be a lot of pressure on the accounting standards in terms of trying to ensure that the politician-owned businesses adhere to the reporting standards.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The other way through which politics may put pressure on the various accounting standards listed and discussed above is through the selection of the board members to the FASB (Armstrong, et al 2010). Politicians using their powers on formulation of policies may be inclined to have people in the board that will take care of their personal interest by formulating standards which are not supportive of all businesses equally. This means that whenever there are new standards to be introduced which can be beneficial to the whole business world, the politicians will always influence the final decisions that the board will make pertaining to the new accounting standards (Aboody, et a l 2004).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The other issue which is part of the political pressure and interference with the standards is that of political incentives, whichthe major reason for the reclassification of the accounting standards. It is to be noted that the growth of country’seconomy is important but in case where the growth does not reflect the true economic situation, the information shown does not indicate the true and fair values of economy (Aboody, et a l 2004). The same case applies to banks which hold government equity and using the reclassified standards will not show the true and fair value. Therefore, when politicians offer incentives to the board members through corrupt ways and with intentions of promoting their interests, the pressure on the standards continue to mount hence prevents the proper application of the standards.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Therefore, in conclusion on the effects of politics and politicians on the formulation and application of the financial accounting standards, it can be noted that there is need to prevent political interference on the FASB as well as other regulatory bodies which formulate the standards. The accounting standards are quite important in ensuring proper and accurate information which can be relied upon is produced and reported by companies and organizations. References Aboody, D., M. E. Barth, and R. Kasznik. 2004. Firms’ voluntary recognition of stockbasedCompensation expense. Journal of Accounting Research 42: 123-160. Armstrong, Christopher S./Barth, Mary E./Jagolinzer, Alan D./Riedl, Edward J. (2010). Market Reaction to the Adoption of IFRS in Europe.The Accounting Review, Vol. 85, No. 1, pp.31–61. Ball, Ray (2006). International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): pros and cons for investors. Accounting and Business Research, Vol. 36, Special Issue, pp. 5–27. Source document

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Improving Internet Governance Essay -- Internet World Wide Web WWW

Introduction The Internet has become a vital utility allowing for a global exchange of knowledge, communication and commerce. To date, the internet lacks a unified global entity able to provide regulation and enforcement of web related issues. This is a major concern given the internet’s great importance and global influence. The United States should create an international joint body to control and govern the internet. There are several key issues that such a body would need to address. These key issues include; spyware problems, the downside of freedom of speech, illegal file sharing/distribution, regulation of adult material and hacker/terrorists attacks on the internet. Internet governance interests me. I own an internet-based business and have encountered problems with hackers and spyware. My business relies on ecommerce solutions and web- based clients. I’ve been in situations where clients have been unable to access our site due to hacker attacks which have either clogged or compromised our servers. We’ve been left in situations where there’s no authority to turn to for help with such attacks. Internet service providers are limited to dealing with their own clients. They have little to no control over outside attackers. Local police usually have limited knowledge on such incidents and are limited in resources. There’s also a lengthy process involved to process a police report for an internet-based crime. Everything moves in milliseconds on the web. Waiting for a police report to process can allow a hacker to easily escape. The issue of Internet governance is important because of its global impact. The internet is a global medium open to just about anyone. Countries like China have tried to censor websit... ...04): 111-113. Gorski, David. "The Future of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Subpoena Power on the Internet in Light of the Verizon Cases." Review of Litigation Winter 2005: 149-172. Krause, Jason. "BEWARE OF SPYWARE." ABA Journal 91.6 (2005): 59-60. Laqueur , Walter. "Terrorism via the Internet." Futurist March 1997: 64. Martinsons, Maris. "State Censorship of the Internet in China." Communications of the ACM 48.4 (2005): 67. Snow, Tyson. "Adding Marks to the Mix of an Already Muddled Decision Regarding Public Forums and Freedom of Speech on the Internet." BYU Journal of Public Law 19.1 (2004): 299-316. Tepper, Mitch. "Supreme Court strikes down online porn law." Contemporary Sexuality August 2004: 7. M. Rutkowsky. (1999). intgov00.gif. Avaiable at http://ig.cs.tu-berlin.de/oldstatic/bl/049/intgov00.gif

Monday, November 11, 2019

Human Skills

Definition: Human skills can be defined as a manager’s ability to interact and work well with others. (Satterlee, PG 12) Since managers get things done through people, it is imperative that they have communication and motivational skills. Summary â€Å"Poor managerial skills can defeat the most successful activities and in many cases can lead to the demise of the organization† (Martin Hahn 2007) Robert L. Katz suggests that three important managerial skills that must be cultivated and enhanced by the organization are technical, human, and conceptual. The degree of development a manager has in each of these three skills will have a strong impact not only upon the success of the organization but also upon the career success of the manager. (Martin Hahn 2007) It is important to have human skills to work well with individuals, to motivate and interact with people within and organization to get the job done. Discussion As someone who has worked as a front-end retail manager before, I totally understand the importance of having human skills to succeed at management level. The article has been on point in relation to the importance of having managerial ability with human skills. â€Å"Human skills can be developed through an understanding of human and group behavior. † (Hahn) It is important to understand how to relate with subordinates within and organization. They specialize in making sure everything is room smoothly. Communication is in order for a company to excel. When there is miscommunication, there tends to be lack of productivity. From my experience, I have had to deal with employees with different personalities and lifestyles. As a front desk manager, it is important that I made my cashiers feel comfortable in the work place environment. Another function of human skills is making employees feel important. Managers today need to develop those skills. Employees are the face of a company customers see. It is important that management make sure they are well equipped to handle the importance task of good management. References. http://en.articlesgratuits.com/management-skills-id1586.php Martin Hahn Published: 2007-05-05, Satterlee, A. (2009). Introduction to Organizational Management and Leadership. Organizational Management and Leadership – A Christian Perspective (p. 12). Roanoke, VA: Synergistics, Inc. .

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Journey to Manhood… An Analysis of “Do You Fear the Wind”

After reading â€Å"Do You Fear the Wind†, I immediately thought of a father talking to his son about becoming a man. This particular talk appears to focus on being strong, facing one's fears, and fighting one's own battles. The persona appears to be trying to educate someone on masculinity. There is an underlying theme of strength that is prominent throughout the poem. The poet, through language, imagery, and use of poetic metre, contributes to this theme by having the persona command the addressee to embrace his masculinity and â€Å"walk like a man†. Throughout the poem, the persona uses strong language when he is speaking. It is almost as if he wants to frighten his addressee. The comfortable atmosphere that is expected when one is at home talking to one's parents is not evident here. There are no soft gentle tones, or kind words of encouragement. Instead, there is this gruesome display of harsh, brutal language, and eccentric commands. It is almost frightening how the addressee is expected to obtain such warrior-like qualities in his quest for manhood. He is supposed to â€Å"slash†, â€Å"fight†, use â€Å"force†, and â€Å"be savage†. The poet, in his choice of words, inadvertently reveals his belief in the qualities that a ‘real man' should possess. The persona continues his harshness in the command, â€Å"Go wade like the crane.† It is difficult to imagine why someone would tell another person, under any circumstances, to â€Å"go wade like the crane†, but it is possible that the poet is alluding to the aggressive nature of the crane. The crane is a very intrepid bird with elaborate courting displays. Cranes are also known for their pride, as they fly with their necks outstretched rather than pulled back. The poet also uses vivid imagery throughout the poem to contribute to its theme. He creates a stormy atmosphere with the â€Å"force of the wind† and the â€Å"slash of the rain†. He, then, equates going â€Å"hungry and cold† with masculinity. The persona apparently associates being masculine with being a savage beast. Incidentally, he instructs the addressee to become animalistic and obtain certain qualities of a â€Å"wolf†. In order to be clearly understood, the persona informs the addressee that becoming a man will be no easy task. He will encounter obstacles along the way. There will be times when his â€Å"palms will thicken† and â€Å"the skin of his cheek will tan†. It is easy to picture a bloody, dirty, exhausted man returning from war in the line, â€Å"You'll grow ragged and weary and swarthy.† He may get battered and bruised, but he must persevere because the juice of this prize is worth the squeeze he must execute. The poet also contributes to the theme through his use of poetic metre. Unlike the flowery, feminine traits of iambic pentametre, common in sonnets, the poem consists of only dimetre (lines containing two feet) and trimetre (lines containing three feet). All of the lines in the poem are short and abrupt. The metre helps to create the sense of rigidity that is implied in the tone of the poem. Lines three and seven of the poem contain amphibrach foot. Amphibrach is a Greek word meaning short on either side. The poet suggests, through metric foot, that the addressee should not be cowardly, but fight back. All of the lines in the poem, with the exception of line three, contain anapestic foot. Anapest is a Greek word meaning struck back. The persona in the poem teaches a valuable lesson about embracing one's fears and subsequently overcoming them. Nothing is promised in life, and anything that is worth having is worth the struggle necessary to obtain it. It is important to understand that the challenge does not lie in never being in fear, but in learning that fear can be conquered. It will not always be easy and it may sometimes seem impossible. However challenging and tiring it may seem, one must persevere. The gratification one gets is summed up best in the lines, You'll grow ragged and weary and swarthy, But you'll walk like a man.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Non Competitive Market Examples Essays

Non Competitive Market Examples Essays Non Competitive Market Examples Paper Non Competitive Market Examples Paper This chapter covers what it is like for an industry to live in a non-competitive market. In this chapter it gives good examples of different types of industries that don’t have to worry about a competitive market. It begins off by express how in New York City, taxi drivers are restricted in number to how many can actually run a business. In order to do so, you have to have this medallion that authorizes you to have authority over the entity. Medallions have been sold as high as $175,000 back in the 1990’s and now can be sold as high as $250,000. This enables for no competition within the market itself. From there it goes on to explaining that as an industry or good, is limited in number, it hold a higher value and because of its low supply are able to charge at an extensively high price. The article elaborates that when the government is involved for whenever reason the system is always thrown off balance. However, the article also begins to illustrate on how government involvement is also set to protect the industries that are tying to compete in it. For example with the hair braiding business that were opening up the Californian government focused on ensuring that those who spent considerable time and effort in becoming licensed in cosmetology that they were the ones striving in the business not the unlicensed individuals. Yet, though state level is true, federally the government itself does not like competitive market. This is true when looking at the U. S. postal service vs. FedEx where Congress has issued anyone delivering first class by FedEx is mandated to a postage stamp tax. Overall, with all the many examples that are given in the chapter its main point is that a lot of business hate competitive markets and will try and do anything to beat out the competition in order for them to receive as much of the profits as possible. Based off of the examples that I have read, I feel that the one regarding the pricing on telecommunications is the most harmful of all. The reason being is that when by allowing such outrageous charges for connection charges and not allowing any new connections, you are essentially isolating the business itself. Making it virtually immovable from any angle and allowing for full control over the people within the industry. By not allowing any competition and charging at a rate of whatever you like, we essentially cause for an ultimatum in decision. Whether you pay an arm and a leg for the service or you don’t have it. If both methods were to work in successfully knocking out the competition essentially you wouldn’t see a difference in the method. In the end you are still knocking out your competition and charging it at your desired price. Whether that means that you lower your prices, to a designated amount at which you are still probably making a profit or raising the difficulty for others. All in all the most important factor about these two methods is that it dens work and it does knock out the competition.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Examine critically the most important methods of regulating a Essay

Examine critically the most important methods of regulating a financial market which is essential for raising finance by public and private entities - Essay Example Either these evolutionary trends are being witness in other European states. For instance, the euro zone area has been put under the supervision of European Central Bank while domestic agencies have been mandated to oversee banks and other financial supervision tasks (Blinder, 1998). Many scholars have argued that, it is imperative to regulate financial markets because of the influence they have on the whole economy. Because of this, different theoretical motivations supporting the need for stringent regulation of financial intermediaries and banks have been advance. (Valdez, 2006) argue that financial market regulation it is imperative in the process of pursuing microeconomic and macroeconomic stability of a nation. Such stability is associated to macro controls, which can translate to securities settlement systems, clearing houses and financial exchanges (Allen and Gale 1998).2 Financial regulation is important in fostering transparency in the financial market and intermediaries hence ensuring investors are protected. Ultimately, financial regulation is important in promoting and safeguarding of competition that is inevitable in the financial markets just like any other market. Financial markets form an integral part of the sources from which both private and public companies raise their capital to finance their activities. However, the legal framework regulating financial markets and intermediaries stipulate the various procedures and requirements that both the public and private companies should comply with in order to be allowed to raise finance from the financial markets (Frase, 2011). The major two provisions of this Act regulating public companies relates to the authority of directors in allotting company shares and the pre-emption rights disapplication.3 These key provisions require that shareholders pass an ordinary resolution granting the directors authority to issue and allot shares.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The car that saved JLR Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The car that saved JLR - Coursework Example The culture of an organization is an eminent part of countless decisions made in business. The ideas, assumptions, ethics, values, attitude, and belief of an enterprise govern ways in which employees think and behave. Culture is considered as a base of organizational strength that directs the resources and holds them together. Culture is often defined as a concoction of inheritance, customs, values, lifestyle, and tradition shared within a social group (Hanges, et al., 2004). Although the definition of organizational culture is unclear, yet it is very important for every organization. The organization culture differs from one organization to another. At many situations, the terms ‘organization culture’ and ‘corporate culture’ are used interchangeably. Corporate culture is the reflection of an organization’s personality. It takes into account shared values, methods, and policies that are implemented by an organization and its employees in order to meet everyday business problems (Milne, 2007). The corporate culture of an organization is reflected in its employee’s attitude and behavior. The culture of any enterprise adds meaning, clarity, and dimensions to its various functions, thereby helping to achieve organizational goals. The organization culture allows employees to be on the same platform and defines the way they interact among themselves (Seel, 2000).According to Fincham and Rhodes (2005), main attributes of culture is that it is symbolic, unifying and holistic in nature.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Summary for the uploaded article (2) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Summary for the uploaded article (2) - Essay Example Secondly, it explores Wackernagel’s law and the effect that it has on the language structure. Thirdly, the article shows that relative pronouns have similar properties with interrogative pronouns. Fourthly, the article also reveals interesting facts about spoken and written language; the most important word is often placed close to the beginning of the sentence. Clitic refers to unstressed word that needs to be supported by other words in order to complete a clause. Although they are unstressed, they provide a lot of meaning to a clause. Consequently, most languages have clitics. Moreover, although languages vary, the manner in which they are used does not change. They are commonly pronouns or determiners. In addition, they may be written as independent words. However, they are often connected with the word on which they depend. The article provides an interesting and insightful analysis of the diachrony of clitics. In addition, it has contributed to the literature available on the subject. The article has provided information about the role that clitics plays in a language. Furthermore, the laws support its argument by providing a strong foundation for accepting what has been advanced in the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


FOUR TOP DOCUMENTARY FILM MAKERS FROM UK AND AMERICA - Essay Example This book introduces different ways by which documentary can be discussed. It has achieved this by introducing the limitations that are accompanied by documentary theorization. The knowledge of bias uses a confusing stress on documentary theory and training in 3 relatively different methods. First of all, it is presented as a problem to attaining the objectivity of explanation that has frequently been understood as a vital or difficult component of the documentary development. Nevertheless, acknowledgment of the biased as an unavoidable and inspiring element of documentary work reasonably than a problem to be controlled by harsh techniques and knowledge is now the leading attitude here (Renov, 2004). Secondly, bias is perceived as a thematic area in its own right, with the bias of the movie and program creators themselves in self illustration by means of pictures and voices. There is an innovative extensiveness to be distinguished here too, even though there is a remaining intelligence that lasting for too long on biased matters jeopardies a likely deviation from main documentary goals. A lesson in Documentary Movies is a new arbitrated scholarly journal dedicated to the past, philosophy, criticism and training of documentary film. This journal will allow a careful method to global documentary movie past, philosophy, criticism and training helping a vibrant and developing global community of documentary movie researchers (Nichols, 1992). The journal printed articles and evaluations, in English, from scholars all over the world in search of broadening the area of documentary movie grant. Some of the subjects recommended comprise; new methods to documentary past; new progresses in documentary concept and new knowledge in documentary movie. Global styles in documentary movie practice; Official invention in documentary movie

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Performance Management At Emaar

Performance Management At Emaar The report features altogether are in six major sections. Section one is about Performance management and performance appraisal at Emaar. Section two is about Reward Management that Emaar uses. Section three is about Addressing Underperformnce. Section four is about measures of staff satisfaction. Section five is about methods to improvements. Section six which the last one is the conclusion. More over, there are some appendixes I have attached in my report, Appendix 1 is the Aprriasal form and appendix 2 the exit interview. Finally, Most of the information in the report was from my own experience at Emaar and some particulars from Emaar website and interviewing employees as well. Performance Management at Emaar At Emaar, Performance Management is considered as a cyclical process encompassing many aspects. Their model begins with the process of hiring, continues with daily performance management, and extends to yearly performance appraisals specially when making hiring decisions, managers, individuals and committees are involved in the process should consider the seven core competencies established by Emaar which are: Adaptability Motivation Professional and Self Development Work Quality and Job knowledge Teamwork Service Orientation Communication From there, Emaar supervisors should manage employees daily performance through an efficient and effective performance management system. As a result of a efficient and effective and useful performance management system, supervisors should be able to provide accurate and relevant performance assessments that helps further growth and improvement among employees at Emaar. By institute a successful performance management based upon the seven core competencies, Emaar is able to hire, lead and evaluate individuals based on the same set of the competencies which offers consistency and continued growth. Appraisal Performance Appraisal performance is considered one of the powerful tools and an important process at all levels of the organization starting from the top management and ending with employees. It helps supervisors to meet the objectives and goals of the department and the firm as well. In addition, companies must keep pace with process to accommodate the changes of the business level contents and performance methods, and the change of the staff skills and knowledge. Appraisal helps to create confidence between employees and raise their loyalty to the firm.(See Appendix 1) Appraisal performance from some authors view performance appraisal as any procedure that involves setting work standards, assessing the employees actual performance relative to these standards, and providing feedback to the employees with the aim of motivating that person to eliminate performance deficiencies or to continue to perform above par Dessler Another definition for performance appraisal is the evaluation, often in writing an employees work and job performance according to specific criteria. Performance appraisal can also be defined as a system of periodic review and evaluation of an individuals or teams job performance Schuller Appraisal performance at Emaar Emaar conduct appraisal quarterly and annually to evaluate employees performance, promote communication and their personality to examine their strengths and weakness. Besides, Emaar ensures all the employees who conducted the evaluation that their information are confidential and secured for making right decisions for them. Appraisal performance is important for such a company because it provides them with employees feedback of employees performance and progress. Performance appraisal aims at facilitate employees development and it has the major purposes. These major purposes is to provide feedback and guidance, to set performance goals, to identify training needs, and to provide inputs for management of pay administration, rewards, and promotion. Also there are some steps which are involved in effective performance appraisal are: Identification of key performance areas and setting yearly objectives. Identification of critical attributes for effective performance Periodic review of performance Discussion of performance with employees, Identification of training and developmental needs. Emaar uses many methods for performance evaluation of their employees, some of them are traditional and some are modern methods. Incident Indicator Method It is done by collecting the largest possible number of incidents that causes the success or the failure of the work. Supervisors monitor their group and decide if any of those collected incidents happened to them in their work. Their performance will be evaluated based on the incidents that happened in their workplace and how they behaved during those incidents and how serious they are in terms of success or failure of the job. 360 degree Performance The 360 process almost always includes a survey that has questions related to leadership and organizational success, along with a corresponding scale rate each item for example, Agree, Slightly Agree, Neutral, Slightly Disagree, and Disagree. Self-ratings and ratings from employees manager, direct reports, peers and customers are typically compiled into a report. The results are combined and presented by rater category, which allows for insightful comparisons while ensuring that individual direct report, peer and customer raters remain anonymous. Ratings by the employees manager are also presented for comparison but not anonymous. The 360 process may also include a gaol setting or development planning component, which requires that managers translate there results into a meaningful plan for future development. Some 360s are linked to administrative processes such as performance appraisal, promotion, compensation and succession planning 360 Feedback offers many potential benefits to both staff and the organization. Because the technique is capitalizes on multiple perspectives. The results are considered highly credible and useful performance feedback. For employees, the 360 experience can help to confirm hunches about strengths and identify areas that need improvement. Being able to compare feedback from multiple sources helps participants contrast their self-perceptions with others perceptions of them. But the benefit from this kind of reality check comes with a challenge: As from Fortune article 360 Feedback Can Change Your Life. Receiving the results of the feedback can be surprising, powerful and uncomfortable. To help managers appreciate their strengths and not just concentrate on negative results, Emaar provides in one-on-one or group settings with trained coaches, facilitator or psychologists. Such sessions can also help managers link 360 results to previous performance feedback discover performance themes and issues and understand how to use results to be more successful. For Emaar, a successful 360 implementation can improve communication among employees and help disseminate the organizations expectations with regard to managers. The benefits can begin even before the 360 is implemented. A decision to implement the process signals that the organization desires and is committed on some level to improve its feedback mechanisms. Even the wording of the survey itself is instructive. 360 surveys are typically group behaviours into bread success factors such as strategic direction, analytical skills, interpersonal effectiveness and developing others. The very act of identifying these categories and then defining them by their associated behaviours, for instance, consider future implications when making decisions gives Emaar a common language with which to discuss performance. Forced Distribution In this method, employees are evaluates on the basis of their overall performance of the work. Paired comparison approach That this method is derived from the ranking method, the fundamental difference between them is that the ingredient rather than an individual compares with the rest of the individuals at once, as under the method of comparison by comparing the individual double with every one of them This method is characterized by the following: Easily explained to others. Facilitate the task of who conduct the appraisal, as it is easy for him to compare between two employees and choose only the best of them. Can be used this way by the heads of divisions and departments in the organizations when asked to nominate some of the subordinates for the purpose of promotion or bonuses and so on. The criticism of this method are as follows: That individuals are being compared with each other as if they were one unit, so it lacks behavioural specialization and taking focuses on personal aspects rather than behaviour. The evaluation might be susceptible to bias and favouritism. Individuals are evaluated by descending order (I, II, III, IV, .) does not indicate the relative degree of difference among them. Does not show the weaknesses in the performance of individuals to act and find solutions them. As Emaar got a large number of employees its hard for them to conduct this evaluation but this method is often used at small organizations where there are small number of employees such as small properties companies like Al Shams. Reward Management Reward Management is concerned with the formulation and implementation of strategies and policies that aim to reward employees fairly, equitably and consistently in accordance with their value to the organisation (Armstrong, 2003). Emaar has set a reward strategy to support their business goals, to recruit and retrain employees with his performance and to reward high performance employees. They have fincial rewards and non-financial rewards. Financial rewards Definition Employees get a fixed rate in monthly basis which is called base pay. Emaar determine the base pay according to the experience, degree and interview. Another, kind of financial rewards is the contingent pay, which is related the employees performance, competence or service. Moreover, employees benefits such as pension holidays and sick pay. Non-financial rewards It is not direct payments and usually occur from the work it self like achievements, recognition, training, opportunities to develop career and high quality leadership. Al-Noor Islamic bank has an attractive reward system which is for the part time employees who have worked at least twenty hours a week for two years, receive AED 3,500 scholarship to college of their choice. Four year scholarships for AED 35,000 are also given. The company has awarded more than AED 8 million since the program begins. Unlike Emaar that doesnt have flexible time for students who are welling to complete their higher education besides they are not encouraging students to join them. (function() { var scribd = document.createElement("script"); scribd.type = "text/javascript"; scribd.async = true; scribd.src = "https://www.scribd.com/javascripts/embed_code/inject.js"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(scribd, s); })() (function() { var scribd = document.createElement("script"); scribd.type = "text/javascript"; scribd.async = true; scribd.src = "https://www.scribd.com/javascripts/embed_code/inject.js"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(scribd, s); })() Addressing underperformance It is one of the elements of the performance management framework of Emaars Performance Management policy. It illustrates the need to take action to identify and resolve situations where the performance level is not achieving the identified outcome of performance of a specified position. Emaar follows some procedures to address underperformance Intensive Performance Support Solving a problem and supporting the process, generally developed between employees and the executive manager, to elucidate performance concerns and take early steps towards their resolution the process is begin when a patterns of performance concerns has been identified and considerable efforts should be made to resolve the concerns during this phase. Where employees are able to demonstrate that they are able to achieve Emaars identified performance outcomes during Intensive Performance Support, ongoing performance management can be resumed. Nevertheless, if employees underperforming consistently and the performance outcomes achieved through the IPS period are not improved sufficiently the Formal Underperformance procedure should be originated. This can be done only after IPS completion which is a pre-requisite to undertake the Formal Underperformance procedure. Formal Underperformance procedure Managers start this procedure for employees whose performance did not meet the identified performance outcome for Emaar and whose performance has not improved satisfactorily through IPS. Emaar makes sure that the used procedure is appropriate to employees employment conditions. Formal Underperformance is undertaken in consultation with departmental performance management consultant and involves supporting and assessing the performance of the employees. When outcomes of performance are achieved during the Formal Underperformance procedure are still unsatisfactory, another procedure is conducted which is called Evaluation Procedure to appraise and verify the procedure and how it is been implemented. The Evolution Procedure considers whether all reasonable options for support have been exhausted and ensures that principles of natural justice and procedural fairness have been observed. Based on the Evaluation Procedure report, recommendations are made for further action for approval of the departmental executive with the appropriate delegated authority. This may include Ongoing performance management return. Continuing with an identified stage of Managing Underperformance procedures. Sanctions imposition, including dismissal possibility when evident shows that an employee is not able to demonstrate the identified competence level and efficiency. ANOC is one of the biggest companies for producing oils so it is important for them to hire and retain the best employees to keep the company reputation safe so they use the same procedures as Emaar if they addressed any underperformance among employees specially the best employees. http://www.decs.sa.gov.au/docs/documents/1/ManagingUnderperformanc-4.pdf Measures of staff satisfaction Turnover Rates Emaar calculates the annual staff turnover rate by using a mathematical formula (Total number of leavers over periodÂÂ  / Average total number employed over period) x 100 Exit interviews Emaar conduct an internal interview which is the exit interview to establish the reasons why an employee wishes to leave the organization. Exit interviews are not intended to dissuade the employee from leaving. Rather, they are intended to establish resignation causes, and whether there is an underlying problem need to be addressed or is there a particular manager or a colleague who contributed towards this resignation and so on. When Emaar decides to conduct exit interviews they follow some points: The interview should be conducted by a personnel or a human resources expert. The interview should not be conducted by the employees line manager under any circumstances. The interview is often productive if they are held away from employees workplace. The best time to held exit interview is as soon after the employee resigns as possible. Emaar always treat their employees with good grace and wished them luck and thank them for the work they have done for the organization. (See Appendix 2) Absenteeism It is very vital to measure absenteeism, to identify and trace the patterns of employees attendance. High rate of absenteeism can be a symptom of stress in the work place which can contribute to higher rates of turnover. There are two methods to calculate absenteeism: lost time rate and individual frequency Lost Time Rate = (Number of Working Days Lost/Total Number of Working Days)*100ÂÂ   Individual Frequency = (Number of Absent Employees/Average Number of Employees)*100 Emaar has designed a comprehensive leave policy that is in alignment with the organizations values and objectives. Besides. there is a communication in the workplace, while dealing with sensitive issues such as absenteeism should be transparent and clear. Employees must be aware of the unpleasant effects of unauthorized time off. Moreover, Emaar introduces employee engagement programs to make employees involve and participate actively in the organization welfare. Also, they introduces counseling sessions that could prove beneficial in limiting absenteeism due to stress. Likewise, Emaar always keep their staff motivated by creating a favorable environment for them. There are also another methods to measure the staff satisfaction such as competitor comparison and benchmarking. Methods of improvements Emaar always try to make working more challenging and rewarding for their employees which will make it easier to keep them. In other words they use job enrichment which means they add additions to job tasks that increases the amount of employees and make them more motivated and increases their responsibility. Job enrichment helps employees to have more planning control their jobs and decide the way that they should achieve it. http://www.citehr.com/28657-job-enrichment.html http://www.enotes.com/business-finance-encyclopedia/job-enrichment

Friday, October 25, 2019

Characters as Portrayed Through Themes and Images in The English Patien

Characters as Portrayed Through Themes and Images in The English Patient       While the four main characters of The English Patient are extremely powerful, and important to the reader's understanding of the story, they cannot stand alone without the patterns of imagery, symbolism and metaphor which underpin the text, and offer a complexity which extends beyond the literal level. These patterns reveal information about each character, and provide significant links between characters and ideas which lead to a greater understanding of the novel. Likewise, the plot would have little impact upon the reader were the novel not so densely coloured with these patterns of imagery, symbol and metaphor; amongst which skin, hands, mapping and the elements are particularly important.    A metaphorical idea which resonates throughout the novel, and is present in all of the characters (particularly the English patient and Caravaggio) is the concept of man as a sort of communal Book, whereby every aspect of his life, and his relationships with others are "mapped" onto him. This also operates literally, through the obvious markings of scars on the English patient, and in Caravaggio's case, the loss of both thumbs.    ...his black body, beginning at his destroyed feet... ahove the shins the burns are worst. Beyond purple. Bone.    This description of the English patient's body is gruesome and confronting; it addresses the theme of pain, the construction of identity, and of course the physical evidence of his tortured past, which the reader learns more about as this imagery develops. It is almost as if his body is a landscape; a war zone onto which all evidence of suffering is mapped.    Imagery... ...o mirror the horrors of the wa rin which these four people are involved. The themes explored through the elements in particular, are complex and contradictory, just as the elements are themselves. Sometimes harsh, sometimes cleansing, and almost always painful, these elements shape the characters and plot, and reside in much of the imagery explored in the novel. The techniques of symbolism, metaphor and imagery develop the novel's themes of love, war, suffering and identity, which inform a reading of the novel which would not be as powerful through use of characters and plot alone. The subtlety and eloquence through which these themes are explored really inspire thought and reflection in the reader, which in turn credits a more complex understanding of the novel.    Work Cited Ondaatje, Michael. The English Patient. London: Pan Books, 1993 Â